Inspire to Experience

Life Went That Way

“Travel makes one modest. You see what a

tiny place you occupy in the world”

Gustave Flaubert


Thanks for dropping by.  I’m glad you’re here.  I’m Marc.  Traveller, Dad and author.

Ever since I began travelling the world many years ago, my dream has been to share unique travel experiences with as many people as I can and in turn, create a community for people to share their own life-changing experiences.

By doing so, I hope to encourage and inspire others to follow their own travel dreams.  In this post-pandemic world we are entering, the world is waiting for travellers again.

I look forward to you joining me on the journey.

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Travel advice makes no sense a lot of the time. In a hyperconnected world of influencer-led social media and plain wrong advice, …


A memoir of travel, life lessons and life experiences from around the globe.

Published in 2021, Twenty is now available in Paperback and Kindle. 

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